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Site Assessment | Dust Explosion Prevention

Dust Explosion Prevention: Reducing Combustible Dust Hazards in Dust Collection Systems

In any industrial production environment, dust explosion prevention strategies and measures are essential to stop flash fires, explosions, or regular fires from occurring related to combustible dust produced and accumulated within the facility. Combustible dust hazards present very real dangers for fires and explosions in industrial production and processing plants and facilities. Dust explosion prevention… Read more »

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Pulse Jet Dust Collectors | Types of Dust Collectors l Solution| Choosing the Best Dust Collector | dust control solutions

The Importance of Choosing the Right Size Dust Collector

In industrial environments, choosing the best dust collector should not be guided simply by the size of the unit. Installing an ill-fitting, undersized, or too large of a dust collector can lead to a number of issues all of which relate to performance and higher energy and maintenance costs. Therefore, the best dust collector is… Read more »

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Industrial Filtration System | differential pressure in a baghouse

What is Differential Pressure in a Baghouse?

Differential pressure in a baghouse filtration system is an observable measure that ensures the system is functioning properly at all times. When significant changes occur in pressure, it’s an indicator that some type of issue exists which needs to be addressed immediately. A thorough inspection of the unit will need to be conducted to identify… Read more »

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dust collector fire

5 Tips for Preventing a Dust Collector Fire

Because the role of industrial dust collectors is so crucial to manufacturing and industrial environments, possibilities of a dust collector fire are met with serious concern in manufacturing facilities. Without preventive measures in place, the potential for a dust collector fire is very real. A simple spark can result in a combustible dust fire that… Read more »

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Baghouse Dust Collector | dust extraction system

Dust Collector Maintenance: 10 Tips for Efficiency & Longevity

Dust collector maintenance plays a vital role in ensuring that industrial dust collectors operate reliably and efficiently. Dust collection systems are engineered to collect, separate, and filter harmful particles and dust from the air in factories, processing plants, manufacturing environments, and production facilities. When properly designed and maintained, a baghouse dust collector will surpass 99.9%… Read more »

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Shaker Dust Collectors | how does a baghouse work

How Does a Baghouse Work?

Baghouse dust collectors are a fabric filter air-material separators employed for particulate removal from manufacturing and other industrial operations to keep dust and solid particulates from entering the workplace or being released into the atmosphere. In effect, baghouses are industrial-scale fabric filter systems used as air pollution control devices. But how does a baghouse work?

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